Gasket Compatibility

ACL is proud to present our system to help you select the gasket option that is best suited to a given application – choosing between different materials can be difficult… Making the wrong choice could be problematic. Help is offered by selecting the media passing through a system – we will then suggest the most suitable gasket material for use in this process.

We hope that your choice will be made easier and that this system will help you suggest options to your customers or be used on your manufacturing line where a solution may not be clear.

Please select a media from the drop down menu below & then click the search button to verify suitability for various gasket materials.

Rating Key

Rating Description Volume Change COMMENTS
1 Little or no effect <10% Material may exhibit slight swelling and/or loss of physical properties under severe conditions.
2 Possible loss of physical properties 10-20% Material may exhibit swelling in addition to a change in physical properties. May be suitable for static applications.
3 Noticeable change 20-40% Material exhibits a noticeable change in swelling and physical properties. Questionable performance in most applications.
4 Excessive change >40% Material not suitable for service.
0 Insufficient information